Integrated Body Therapy
Classes in Okotoks, AB
with Cassie Caroline Williams, Ph.D. Founder and Instructor of Integrated Body TherapyTM Advanced Practitioner of Visceral Manipulation Certified CranioSacral Therapist These workshops will use a variety of techniques from several osteopathic disciplines and incorporates principles of osteopathy, martial arts and acupuncture, summoning the body to do its own gentle self-correction. By positioning the body to spontaneously release tension and using some acupressure points, releasing dominant lesions (restrictions) of the body can occur. The practitioner is acting as a facilitator so that the body may do its own self-healing. These gentle, non-invasive techniques complement other approaches, are well accepted by the body and are easy on the practitioner’s body. Integrated Body Therapy II: The Appendages: Using some of the above techniques, this course addresses the major joints and attachments of the shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands of the arm, as well as the hips, knees, ankles and feet of the leg (12 hours credit with RMTA and 10 with NHPC). Integrated Body Therapy IV: “Inner Works”: This course presents some very gentle and highly-effective techniques to address tension in some often troublesome inner organs, at times linked with skeletal issues. It is highly recommended that the participants have some soft palpatory skills and/or have worked with energy (12 hours credit with RMTA and 10 with NHPC). Integrated Body Therapy II: The Appendages: This workshop uses some osteopathic techniques to address the shoulders, arms, wrists and hands, as well as the hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet (12 hours credit with RMTA, and 10 with NHPC). Integrated Body Therapy III: Cranial work (12 hours credit with RMTA, and 10 with NHPC). Integrated Body Therapy IV: “Inner Works” presents some very gentle and highly-effective ways to address tension in some often troublesome inner organs. (12 hours credit with RMTA, and 10 with NHPC). Integrated Body Therapy VI: Trauma Resolution (12 hours credit with RMTA, and 10 with NHPC). This class provides some resolution for common traumas, addressing things physically and energetically. Integrated Body Therapy VIIA: Prenatal Self-Care ( 8 hours credit with RMTA , and 5 with NHPC). This class offers supportive ways for a pregnant woman to release areas of tension. Integrated Body Therapy VIIB: General Self-Care (12 hours credit with RMTA, and 10 with NHPC). Here any person can address their own tension throughout most of his/her body. These workshops will concentrate on using a variety of osteopathic techniques to release the body, all developed by osteopaths. The work is very gentle and non-invasive, allowing the body to do its own self-corrections. One positions the body to spontaneously release tension; another uses the membrane system in the central nervous system to softly address structural restrictions, the third mixes osteopathic techniques with acupressure, and the last determines and releases dominant lesions of the body. The practitioner is acting as a facilitator so that the body can do its own self-healing. These gentle, non-invasive techniques complement other approaches and are well accepted by the body. Contact Cassie for dates and costs: 587-757-0244 |